台耘工業贊助並與台灣PM 2.5監測與控制產業發展協會共同舉辦「淨零永續:碳中和的實現路徑」研討會


為化解全球暖化危機,世界各國包含台灣在內,已取得共識陸續宣誓以2050年完成淨零碳排為目標,碳中和趨勢已然成形。台灣PM2.5監測與控制產業發展協會(PMCA)邀請到環境部氣候變遷署蔡玲儀署長分享「氣候變遷與淨零轉型」、新北市政府環境保護局李俊毅主任分享「轉型有路徑‧減碳零焦慮」、台北市政府環境保護局張原道技正分享「永續共融 淨零城市」等議題,讓相關領域研究學者與相關產業互相交流,共同推動改革,為淨零轉型共盡一份心力。

Tai & Chyun sponsored and co-hosted a symposium with PM2.5 Control Association (PMCA) in the theme of “ Net Zero Sustainability: The Path to Carbon Neutrality” on December 8th, 2023 at Mu Jiao Xi Hotel, Ilan, Taiwan.

In order to resolve the global warming crisis, countries around the world including Taiwan, have reached consensus and successively pledged to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. PMCA invited the director-general of Climate Change Administration, Ministry of Environment, director of Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government, and Senior Engineer of Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government to share their topics related to “Net Zero Sustainability”. This event gathered Taiwanese aerosol research scholars and related business sectors to brainstorm and exchange extensive methods in promoting and contributing to air quality improvement work.

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