台耘工業贊助並與台灣PM 2.5監測與控制產業發展協會共同舉辦「邁向碳中和的工程方案」研討會

2022年12月5日在台大集思會議中心,台耘工業贊助並與台灣PM 2.5監測與控制產業發展協會共同舉辦「邁向碳中和的工程方案」研討會。協會的個人會員大多來自各個研究單位與大專院校的教授與研究人員。團體會員包括有縣市政府環保局、工研院、台電公司、中鋼公司、中鼎公司等,結合產官學研各界的力量,協助政府改善空污,精進國內的各項空污監測與控制技術。


Tai & Chyun sponsored and co-hosted a seminar / conference with PM2.5 Control Association (PMCA) in the theme of “Engineering Solutions toward Carbon Neutrality” on December 5th, 2022 at GIS NTU Convention Center, Taiwan.

Taiwan’s 2050 net-zero emissions pathway is based on the 4 major transition strategies of “Energy Transition”, “Industrial Transition”, “Lifestyle Transition”, and “Social Transition”. This event gathered professionals from governmental organizations, related industries and enterprises, professors and students to present their research and round-table session to discuss topics related to “2050 Net-Zero Emissions”.

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